"Wisdom always chooses to do now, what it will be satisfied with later on" - Joyce Meyer
This particular quote stuck out at me for more reasons than I can name...but the first thought that came to my mind when I read this, is our choices with our money! Being wise with our money can be hard when we live in a mentality that "It's only $7, or what can $3 hurt...that's not that much!, etc." Living in that mindset can get you into a world of trouble. I can't stress enough how vital it is to create a budget and STICK TO IT! People don't always realize when we make the wise choices now, we have the satisfaction later. My husband and I took a Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace course at our church, and it has helped tremendously in our choices. We are well on our way to reaching our dreams and goals, and we owe it all to our amazing God who opened the right doors for us..allowing us to take Dave's course. So, if you are struggling financially or just wanting to increase your financial wisdom, I would highly recommend that you look into taking Dave Ramsey's course. Or even purchasing the book "Spirit Driven Success" by Dani Johnson and reading it. When you learn the steps and apply them in your life, you can not go wrong. So lets stop making excuses and do what you know is right! I promise you, you will not regret it! God bless! :)
As you already know; if you have read my prior posts, that I have been reading the book "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer. I've reached Power Thought 2 where she asks us to meditate on the realization "Jesus Loves You Unconditionally." This thought has been something I've struggled with realizing for awhile now. I go through my days thinking... if I don't put in enough works, or I make a mistake...then I have displeased the Lord and am not open to receive His blessings. I know God's Word explains that we are saved by grace and not by the works of our own, but I haven't been trusting that and acting like I had to earn God's blessings and love. I realize this is silly and not biblical, but I've had it embedded in me for so long that I'm not good enough for the best. That because I am not perfect..how can I expect to receive God's abundant blessings? I have been listening to the enemy for too long, and its time for me to shake it off and look to God and His truth.
The enemy likes to get his lies about you into your head to cause you to doubt who you are in Christ, resulting in doubting God all together. The enemies goal is to make your relationship with Christ such a struggle that you end up giving up and turning away from God. We must be careful not to fall for Satan's tricks! Sadly, I've grown up being told by several people that I'm not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, "cool" enough.you name it! We all know that when you've heard something long enough..you start to believe it yourself. This is where I have been for all my life. I've entered into my relationship with the Lord with the idea that I had to all these works to earn things from God. But I'm writing this with the attitude that it's time for a change!! I'm so grateful for Joyce's book and even more so for God's truth. It speaks so strongly to my heart that God loves me unconditionally! And I hope it speaks to all of your hearts as well!
I sometimes have to use the example of my parents and their love for me. Was I always the perfect child? No! Did I break the rules, get grounded, disappoint my parents? Absolutely. Did this stop my parents from loving me? From wanting to be good to me? From blessing me? It sure didn't! The same goes for God! Nothing you can do can cause Him to stop loving you and wanting to be good to you! So if anyone else out there who reads this has been feeling the same way, it is my prayer that you take hold of God's love with me and stand fast in knowing we don't EARN our blessings from God, we don't EARN His love. We must rest easy in knowing God knows our hearts, and His salvation, forgiveness, love, and gifts are bestowed upon us because of His unconditional love for us..His children. Praise God for His goodness!!
God loves us all UNCONDITIONALLY! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
God Bless You All!
"For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness]." - 2 Corinthians 5:21