Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Financial Wisdom

"Wisdom always chooses to do now, what it will be satisfied with later on" - Joyce Meyer

This particular quote stuck out at me for more reasons than I can name...but the first thought that came to my mind when I read this, is our choices with our money!  Being wise with our money can be hard when we live in a mentality that "It's only $7, or what can $3 hurt...that's not that much!, etc."  Living in that mindset can get you into a world of trouble. I can't stress enough how vital it is to create a budget and STICK TO IT! People don't always realize when we make the wise choices now, we have the satisfaction later.  My husband and I took a Dave Ramsey - Financial Peace course at our church, and it has helped tremendously in our choices.  We are well on our way to reaching our dreams and goals, and we owe it all to our amazing God who opened the right doors for us..allowing us to take Dave's course.  So, if you are struggling financially or just wanting to increase your financial wisdom, I would highly recommend that you look into taking Dave Ramsey's course. Or even purchasing the book "Spirit Driven Success" by Dani Johnson and reading it.  When you learn the steps and apply them in your life, you can not go wrong.  So lets stop making excuses and do what you know is right! I promise you, you will not regret it! God bless! :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

God Loves You Unconditionally!

   As you already know; if you have read my prior posts, that I have been reading the book "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer.  I've reached Power Thought 2 where she asks us to meditate on the realization "Jesus Loves You Unconditionally."  This thought has been something I've struggled with realizing for awhile now.  I go through my days thinking... if I don't put in enough works, or I make a mistake...then I have displeased the Lord and am not open to receive His blessings.  I know God's Word explains that we are saved by grace and not by the works of our own, but I haven't been trusting that and acting like I had to earn God's blessings and love.  I realize this is silly and not biblical, but I've had it embedded in me for so long that I'm not good enough for the best.  That because I am not perfect..how can I expect to receive God's abundant blessings?  I have been listening to the enemy for too long, and its time for me to shake it off and look to God and His truth. 

   The enemy likes to get his lies about you into your head to cause you to doubt who you are in Christ, resulting in doubting God all together. The enemies goal is to make your relationship with Christ such a struggle that you end up giving up and turning away from God.  We must be careful not to fall for Satan's tricks! Sadly, I've grown up being told by several people that I'm not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, "cool" enough.you name it!  We all know that when you've heard something long enough..you start to believe it yourself.  This is where I have been for all my life.  I've entered into my relationship with the Lord with the idea that I had to all these works to earn things from God.  But I'm writing this with the attitude that it's time for a change!! I'm so grateful for Joyce's book and even more so for God's truth.  It speaks so strongly to my heart that God loves me unconditionally!  And I hope it speaks to all of your hearts as well!  

   I sometimes have to use the example of my parents and their love for me.  Was I always the perfect child? No! Did I break the rules, get grounded, disappoint my parents? Absolutely.  Did this stop my parents from loving me? From wanting to be good to me? From blessing me?  It sure didn't! The same goes for God! Nothing you can do can cause Him to stop loving you and wanting to be good to you! So if anyone else out there who reads this has been feeling the same way, it is my prayer that you take hold of God's love with me and stand fast in knowing we don't EARN our blessings from God, we don't EARN His love.  We must rest easy in knowing God knows our hearts, and His salvation, forgiveness, love, and gifts are bestowed upon us because of His unconditional love for us..His children.  Praise God for His goodness!!

God loves us all UNCONDITIONALLY! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! 

God Bless You All!

"For our sake He made Christ [virtually] to be sin Who knew no sin, so that in and through Him we might become [endued with, viewed as being in, and examples of] the righteousness of God [what we ought to be, approved and acceptable and in right relationship with Him, by His goodness]." - 2 Corinthians 5:21

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Don't Give Up On Your Dreams!

Something to think about - 

  What are your dreams? Your deep down in the depths of your heart burning with desire dreams? That feeling you get when you are thinking about living that dream in your heart and it almost takes your breath away...you feel your adrenaline start to pump!! I ask you to please not give up on achieving those dreams! They were put in your heart for a reason. Do everything you can to achieve them! Do not accept defeat and give up! Those who acheieve their dreams put the work in and don't let failure stop them! Put determination in your dreams and take one step at a time. You WILL be pushed out of your comfort zone so expect that! You WILL run into the enemy trying to tell you you can't achieve those dreams! Those dreams are too big! You aren't good enough! Give up already it's too hard and impossible! DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE LIES!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! Give those dreams to God and watch Him open doors you never thought could be open! Watch Him divinely bring the right people in your life to help propel you forward into accomplishing that dream! Watch opportunities present themselves where you KNOW there was no way that could have happened if it weren't for God! STEP OUT IN FAITH and see your dreams begin to unfold!

  Maybe you've went your whole life being less than who you knew you could be. Maybe you accepted defeat and gave up on pursuing what you know deep down you want to do. Maybe it seems intimidating and you don't see how you can accomplish it. It doesn't matter if your dreams requires money you don't have, knowledge you dont think you have, even time you don't see yourself being able to make for that dream. You don't have to see the HOW when God is in control! When you give your life and dreams to God and you put your faith into knowing He knows what He is doing...all the obstacles will be taken care of in His time! So come on people! Don't let the enemy stomp on those dreams you've had in your heart! Look to God to bring them to pass! Don't give up! Don't accept defeat! Let God mold and shape and prepare you to walk into your dream! It's never too late when God is behind it all! 

May God richly bless you all! :) :)

Luke 1:37
37. For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trials Are Meant To Grow Us, Not Destroy Us

"To reach up for the new, you must let go of the old. What is behind you is not nearly as important as what lies in front of you. Everything you've been through was preparation for where you are right now. Disappointments, challenges, and failures were not meant to destroy you. They were meant to strengthen you, to build your character, to give you the fortitude to accomplish your God-given destiny" - Joel Osteen - From His Book "It's Your Time"

  The above statement by Pastor Joel is so true and needed to be realized and taken root in everyone's heart. I also like the phrase "You may not be able to help what circumstances come your way, but you can help how you respond to them." Too many people become bitter and angry at or go as far as to bad mouth their circumstances or the people that have wronged them. (we are all guilty of that sadly). We too quickly jump to the wrong conclusion about our circumstances and begin thinking the worst...taking it to a level of self pity and even depression. 
It's easy for us to automatically take on a negative thinking attitude when trials come our way. If only we could truly see things from God's perspective. You see, God sees the big picture while our view is extremely limited. I realize it isn't the easiest thing to look to all things with a positive attitude, but if we can take it one day at a time and look to God for our strength, we can renew our mind and transform our thinking.  We can take on the day with a "I'm not going to let anything ruin me or my day" attitude and leave everything in God's hands. We need to trust God and know there is a reason for all we go through and it is to be used for our good! Not to destroy us!

Consider and meditate on the following scripture ...
James 1:2-4 AMP
2. Consider it wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations.
3. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfastness and patience.
4. But let endurance and steadfastness and patience have full play and do a thorough work, so that you may be [people] perfectly and fully developed [with no defects], lacking in nothing.

The Lord does know what He is doing :) ♥ God bless you all!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

When Negativity Gets In The Way...

I'm reading the book "Power Thoughts" by Joyce Meyer, and although I've only just begun..a statement stuck out at me and I had to share!...

"Never let a pessimistic person talk you out of your dreams" 

...AMEN! You know that skeptical laugh you get or that response of disbelief when you express a goal you want to achieve? "Just don't get your hopes up, you don't want to get disappointed" or "If 
it sounds too good to be true it probably is" type statements? I'm sure we have all experienced these reactions toward a particular dream/goal we've expressed. Well..DON'T LISTEN TO THEM lol. There truly is God given power in positive thinking.

"I CAN do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!" Phil. 4:13 - emphasis mine. :)

Let this be an encouragement to everyone out there with goals and dreams. Please do not let pessimism from anyone deter you from accomplishing those dreams. Always remember to keep God first and allow Him to guide your steps. With God on your side and a positive attitude .. you WILL accomplish the "impossible." Because remember NOTHING is impossible with God! Happy dreaming and God Bless!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Desires and God's Will - Is What I Desire Too Big for God?

  God stated in His word that we have not because we ask not. [Ref. James 4:2] Far too many of us are afraid to ask God for anything that in our finite minds we consider "too much".  Maybe we feel unworthy, maybe we are too wrapped up in envy of someone who has what we want that we let our ego consume us and we can't even think of asking God anything but rather blaming God for our "lack", maybe we doubt God could even do the "huge" thing we are asking for?  There are sooo many verses in the bible that speak of God's promises for His children that I couldn't possibly post them all in one blog! But I will post the ones that stick out at me most....

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you" - Matthew 6:33 

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7

"But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give you" - John 11:22

"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you" - John 15:7

  Matthew 6:33 and John 15:7 are especially vital when we look to ask God for anything.  You see, if we are outside of God's will...we can't expect to get what we are asking for.  God asks us to seek Him first, to abide in Him and His word abide in us.  This means we don't look to "things" or other people to accomplish our "dreams"... we look to God.  And the amazing thing is...when we are abiding in Christ and putting Him first...He puts the desires in our hearts. His Will becomes our will. (We desire His will and what He wants for us).  

  That being said, please keep in mind the enemy still roams about freely wanting to cause confusion and get in the way of God's will in your life. So there can be some "desires" that enter your heart that you will think are from God but aren't.  How can you tell? By making sure whatever you desire does NOT go against the bible.  For example: if you desire to have romantic relations with someone other than who you are married to, you can know that that desire is not from God because it goes against His Word.  God would never approve of adultery.  So as long as what is in your heart does not go against God's word, and you are abiding and obeying the Lord....don't hesitate to take those desires to God and let Him guide your steps to bring those desires to pass..in His timing. No matter how "big" those desires are..please remember nothing is too big for God!!  

~~Be Blessed~~

You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. You do not have, because you do not ask. - James 4:2

Be Determined To Succeed!

  Put God first in all things, then put determination and discipline in your life.  Have a goal and work hard to achieve it.  God says in His Word that we reap what we sow.  With God as our number one focus looking to Him to guide our steps in accomplishing our goal...we can rest on His promise that we WILL prosper.  He desires so strongly to bless us abundantly!  I choose to seek Him in all things because I know He loves me and knows what's best for me.  His plan will bring me the most joy.  Not my plan.  His will..not my will.  Thank you heavenly father!

Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed. - Proverbs 16:3 [AMP]

He set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who instructed him in the things of God; and as long as he sought (inquired of, yearned for) the Lord, God made him prosper. 2 Chronicles 26:5 [AMP]

Don't Give Up On God!

  Whatever you may be feeling or going through...DON'T give up on God...because He never gives up on you!  Wait on the Lord because His timing is perfect.  His ways our perfect.  Set your sight on God and watch Him come through for you in ways you could never imagine.  But be patient and in faith! TRUST God that He knows what He is doing, that He knows what's best for you.  Praise God for taking care of us and loving us so! Submit fully and whole heartedly to God's will (His plan for your life) and enjoy your showering of blessings! Thank you Jesus!

"And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint." - Galatians 6:9 [AMP]

Friday, April 20, 2012

Struggling With Forgiveness?

"No matter what you do you can't pay yourself back for what someone else did to you, only God can pay you back.  So I'm asking you to let Him do that!" - Joyce Meyer

A few weeks ago I was watching Joyce Meyer's program and this statement stuck out at me on the importance of forgiveness.  I know far too many of us hold on to unforgiveness and miss out on so much of God's greatness.  It is my prayer that those of you who haven't forgiven someone even if that someone is yourself, that you let go and let God! Sadly, so many of us are holding onto unforgiveness without even realizing it.  Please take a long hard look at yourself and ask yourself if you have any ill feelings or resentment toward someone.  Jesus set the ultimate example when He forgave us of our sins.

"Have any of us really done anything as bad as what we have done to God?  If He can forgive, so can we!" - Joyce Meyer

God Bless!

And become useful and helpful and kind to one another, tenderhearted (compassionate, understanding, loving-hearted), forgiving one another [readily and freely], as God in Christ forgave you. - Ephesians 4:32 [AMP]